Our Mountain Adventure Schools are designed for more than an experience – we teach kids to be self sufficient in the outdoors. Building good habits for recreation that last a lifetime.
The Rock ‘N Water week is designed to expose you to all that the outdoors has to offer. We jump right in on the first day with river safety and a river trip. There’s a day of rock climbing, a day in kayaks and stand up paddleboards, and a whitewater day. When it’s all over, you’ll have gone through a week of experiences and learning that will be the foundation for the outdoor skills that last a lifetime. Kids from this program have ended up working a the VOC— even the program leader.
Only 8 campers will be in this session – so sign up early.
To register, review the Essential Eligibility Criteria, if your
child is ready, sign it and fill out the registration portion of the Program Brochure. Email us both forms to sign up!